Wednesday, May 6, 2009

#47 - Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Re-release

Not an alien movie.
I really went in to this movie expecting it to be some sci-fi film about aliens.
Not even close. It's the story of a man, and a woman, who are driven to figure out what a recurring image in their head means while trying to grasp the reality of an alien presence. It's a character piece that still looks and sounds amazing almost 20 years later.
This is a film I had wanted to see but probably kept putting it off since there were three version and I never knew where to begin, unsure if I would want to watch every version. I'm glad I just jumped right in and finally watched this, but would choose the original now that I know I will watch all 3 versions.
The look of the film, the music and the great acting of everyone, especially Richard Dreyfuss, really made this a film you want to see projected on a giant screen. It sucks you right into the world and you really don't want to leave.

The Verdict:
5 stars
Although some parts were a little slow I found this film amazing. I will definitely have to check out the other 2 releases of this to see the differences.

While this re-release didn't win any awards, the original release won Oscars for Best Cinematography and Sound Effects editing in 1978 and was nominated for 7 more.

Memorable moments and quotes:
Jillian ( about the police looking into her son's disappearance) “They asked me if I had seen any strangers in the neighborhood”. Laughs.

Roy: “I guarantee this whole thing is a put-on.” Then puts on gas mask anyway.

“Einstein was probably one of them”

Box Office:
Well, it came brought in 15.6 million as a re-release so my guess is they were ecstatic. I mean how much could the re-editing have cost?

See this movie! Stands the test of time. May have to find this on blu-ray for my collection.

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